Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The CuteKid

Every parents dream is to have a healthy and bright children. If you do have a cute kid don't you want to share the photos of your child with the world? There is an easy way to do it and if you are lucky you could win some nice prizes too for your child. Join 2008 The CuteKid baby contest.

How does it works? First of all you need to be a member of The CuteKid to be eligible to participate in the contest. Enter your personal details such as title, parent first and last name, email, street address and a password. You can choose three offers to join also between Pampers.com, Gerberlife.com and Enfamil. Each of those three has really nice offers if you join them. Upload photos of your child to join the contest. Fill in your child's information such as first name, gender and birth date. If you want to enter the photo in the contest then click on "Enter Contest Now" button. You will have to specify the method of payment. Choose from one of these: credit card (AMEX, VISA, Master Card), Discover or PayPal. Click on "Enter The Contest" button to submit.

There are two types of contest you can participate in. First, is the Monthly Contest. The winner of this Monthly Contest will receive the following:

  1. $500 U.S. Treasury Bond.
  2. $200 U.S. Treasury Bond.
  3. $100 AMEX gift card.
  4. Photo portrait session.
  5. Canvas Portrait of Winning Photo
  6. Certified CuteKid™ Certificate
  7. Unique Talent and Casting Agent Exposure
  8. Framed Print of Winning Photo
The winner of each month will be automatically entered for 2008 CuteKid of The Year contest. The prizes for the winner of CuteKid of The Year contest will receive:
  1. Full year of college tuition.
  2. Press exposure as "2008 CuteKid of The Year".
  3. $500 US savings bond.
  4. Photo shoot with professional photographer.
  5. Canvas portrait of winning photo.
It is really a nice way to share your children's photo and also you have a chance to win something for them. Quickly join up now while the year is still early and win those prizes!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice information about Cute Kid contest!! I wanna upload my kids photo at this site!!