Monday, February 11, 2008


Accident, you surely don't want it but also can't avoid it. It happens, with you, me or anyone else, that is fate. Bonbon, who just left our internet cafe at 11 pm had an accident. According to Bonbon, he was driving really slow (no more than 40 kilometers per hour) when suddenly from behind there was another motorcycle who tried to overtake him. But unfortunately it hit Bonbon's rear tire and caused both of them to collide. They ended up on the sideways with the other person was lying on the asphalt. Luckily Bonbon was fine and could get up as soon as possible to avoid further damage. He then asked the guy who was lying in the middle of the road was he also fine? The guy answered unconsciously and there was blood coming out of his nose. Bonbon then quickly asked for help from people around to take them both to the hospital. As the accident happened near the hospital, they were taken quickly to the ICU. Bonbon suffered bruises around his left hand, a sprained ankle but nothing too serious. The other guy however had to spend the night at the hospital while Bonbon could go home right away. Last I've heard both of them were fine. I hope both of them learned a lesson from this so they would be more careful in driving on the highway. Bonbon, get well soon. Suns.NET really needs its warrior to back on their feet ASAP!

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