Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tantra Extreme

Hey guys, I have just found out that there is another version of Tantra called Tantra Extreme. Those of you who have played Tantra before should be familiar with the playing environment. Tantra Extreme has two version, Extreme and Ultimate. There are currently four servers. But the bad news is as this servers are new, they have been overwhelmed by the number of players who joined. I myself have tried to register. Registering is a bit tricky. Why? First, user id must be 6 to 50 characters. Anything less than that would be rejected promptly. Second, the password must have numbers in it. If you put only characters then it would be rejected. Third, you must fill in the middle initial. Imagine if your name doesn't have a middle name. Just put anything in there. Fourth, in the address you can put spaces. Funny isn't it? The textbox is for address, but you can't put spaces as spaces really needed if you want to type in the normal address. So just put the city in it. Ok, now try to login. There you have it, the Fifth and most annoying part. It always say that you have put in incorrect password. You just created the account, not minutes but seconds ago. Surely you would still remember the password right (unless you have amnesia!). Nonetheless, it is really worth the wait because the GM said that site still need fixing. So be patient and check the site regularly. To give you something to think about, here are a few screen shots taken from the site.

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