Friday, February 29, 2008

Internet Connection Down

The internet connection has been downed from 7 AM. The customer service of our ISP said "Please reboot your modem. If that won't fix it, then try to restart your computer." Then I said, "I have tried both and still it won't connect. I can only access the local link, but the international link is dead." Only then she replied, "Yes sir, there is a problem with the international connection. Can we ask for your number? We will call back after its back on." My god, who is she trying to fool here. I know the connection is down when it is down. I don't need that kind of explaining, I'm only interested in when the connection is back on. Is it really that hard to answer? It is surely not so hard if you really want to answer.

According to, the international connection is broken because the fiber optic connection is Sumatera is cut off. How can this happen? It is because there is a fly-over construction in Palembang which cut off the fiber optic. Some important sites such as Google and Yahoo can't be accessed since. There are only few local sites which can be accessed such as Detik, Jawapos, Kompas.

It is supposed that the internet connection will be back on in three hours. It will be redirected using a different link so the international link will be available again. Let's just hope this problem will be fixed very soon for the sake of our Suns.NETter.

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